
At EdEra, we are the heart of the educational avant-garde, tailoring experiences for all our students and taking into account every detail: from their academic backgrounds to natural predispositions.

Education is a personalised process which must be uniquely adjusted for each personality and talent

We are absolutely convinced that education is a continuous development process necessitating not only excellent tutoring practices but also the respect and admiration of a teacher – the key ingredients in student motivation and academic enthusiasm.

Our approach to education is firmly based on four fundamental principles:

Our tutors and consultants, young and charismatic alumni of Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, Stanford and MIT, inspire students through their outstanding academic and professional triumphs, work ethic, dedication, curiosity and perseverance.

The Power of the Role Model


Families are provided with detailed reports of academic progress from tutors on a monthly basis; every month our mentors organize meetings with teachers for parents to be up-to-date with the current educational track and its future evolution.

Continuous Engagement

Interactive Methodology

Along with our top-tier partners at McKinsey, we successfully integrated an interactive platform into our conservative teaching practices, delivering standard school disciplines in a non-trivial setting and illustrating a variety of problem-solving techniques in a game-like environment
By means of our personality test, we identify a personality portrait of a student and carefully match it with the most fitting character image from our collection of tutors.

GCSE & A-level

Classes are conducted in online and offline formats

We provide both GCSE & A-level preparation and examination

GCSE a forerunner of A-level, is an academic qualification in a particular subject, taken in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Each GCSE qualification is offered in a specific school subject. Studies for GCSE examinations take place over a period of two or three academic years, starting in Year 9 or Year 10 for the majority of students, with examinations being sat at the end of Year 11 in England and Wales.

General Certificate of Secondary Education

The Advanced Level is a subject-based qualification conferred as part of the General Certificate of Education, as well as a school leaving qualification offered by the educational bodies in the United Kingdom. They were introduced in England and Wales in 1951 to replace the Higher School Certificate.


International A-level vs IB: Key differences between the two programs

The International A-level certificate or International Advanced Level is a subject-based qualification conferred as part of the General Certificate of Education, as well as a school leaving qualification in the United Kingdom. The International A-level certificate is focused on the student's future major, therefore the curriculum containing three conceptually neighboring disciplines is aimed at preparation for higher education and subsequent university enrollment.
The International Baccalaureate (IB) is an alternative high school program. While the International A-level students are deeply immersed in the study of their 3 core subjects, the students of the IB program have to study as many as 6 disciplines.
The differences between the two educational programs do not end with the number of subjects included in the curriculum. The International A-level examination sessions run every winter and summer, whereas the IB students have only one chance to attend their examinations – at the end of their two-year program. That said, by taking advantage of the resit opportunities, International A-level candidates get a chance to improve their grades and produce stronger university application portfolios. In addition, the International A-level qualification is solely based on academic performance, while the IB program expects students to participate in various extracurricular projects (CAS – Creativity, Activity, Service), to write essays (IB Extended Essay) and carry out research (IB Internal Assessment).